
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dancin' Away!

Yesterday Rachel's competitive dance team had their first competition.  We woke up early and headed to Nampa for the event ( about 1 1/5 away).  Ethan had his opening baseball Jamboree, so Josh stayed home with him and the boys.  It was really nice to have some girl time with my favorite little girl!

Her team did really well!  They won 1st place in both of their dances and had a gold overall rating!  I was very proud of her.  The part that shocked me the most was at the end of the day they had a freestyle competition.  If you wanted to participate you paid ten dollars and were given a number.  Then they divided the girls into two groups, junior (5-11) and teen (12-18).  I couldn't believe it when Rachel told me she wanted to enter.  I made sure she totally understood what she was getting into " Now, Rachel, you know you are going to have to get up in front of all these people ( about 150) and dance by yourself."  "Yes, mama, I know....I can do this!!"  So off we went and signed her up.

In all there were about 40 girls and you know what, Rachel made it to the finals!!! She did a really great job, especially considering the majority of the girls were at least 3 years older than her!  I was so impressed....not at her dancing, even though she did good, but at the fact that she got up there without any hesitation and did her thing!  If I could, I would have videoed it, but cameras were not allowed :(.  Needless to say we were very proud of her and the team!!  Way to go Bella Sugar!

Rolled and ready to go!!

An early morning start, but she was super excited!!

Bella Sugar getting ready to perform "Think Pink"

Some of the girls from Bella Sugar getting ready to perform "Waking Up is Hard to Do!"

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