
Monday, August 6, 2012

Not One of My Brightest Ideas...

As I mentioned earlier, last week was a rough one for the Craig household.  We were stuck in the house for the entire week because of a stomach bug.  Well, I thought I had come up with something fun for the kids to do since they couldn't go outside much.

Some pictures that I had mailed to myself prior to moving here finally arrived and inside was some popcorn stuffing.  I thought it would be fun to dump them out and let the kids play with pretend snow.  The majority of our belongings have not arrived yet, so the toy room is really bare.  So the cool mom that I thought I was poured out the popcorn and told the boys to come play :)  At this point, Rachel was the one sick so she was lying on the couch.  Of course, the boys ran in there and had a blast.

At first things were going great and I racked up some really cool mom points with my boys.  They threw the popcorn pieces in the air, made snow angels, and had a blast.

Now here is when I started thinking this might not have been such a great idea......Michael started stepping on them & I didn't realize how fast those little popcorn pieces would crumble and multiply. Plus, they created a lot of static electricity and before I knew it white stuff was EVERYWHERE.

Yeah, like I said I really didn't think this one through.  Once I realized what was happening, I told them we were going to have to stop and start cleaning up because popcorn pieces were everywhere.  It took us forever to scoop all of those little boogers up...mainly because they would cling to everything.  I even had to break out the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the white pieces off of the Anyway, it was fun, but I will not be doing that again :)

Until Next Time,

Michelle :)

1 comment:

  1. Well you are a better mom than me for dumping them out in the first place. The kids are blessed to have A Mama willing to make a mess in order for them to have a good time. So you succeeded in my book. Those are the memories that the kids will talk about when they are all grown up!
    Love to all of you!
