
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soccer Diva in Training...

For the past couple of years Rachel has been taking dance. She really enjoys it, but last year she was on a competition team and I think it just burned her out.  When we moved here we asked her if she would like to take dance again and she said no, she would like to try soccer. So, we signed her up and she had her first game today!!  She was so excited!  They all did such a great job and toward the end of the game she was goalie.  We were so proud of her, she stopped 5 out of 6 balls that came her way! It really surprised me how aggressive she was out there!!  I love the look of determination she has on her face during the cute!

Yes, that is Rachel on the ground :)

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! I know your so proud of her.
