
Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Booing We Will Go...

This week we were Boo'd in our new neighborhood!!  The kids were so excited to see a treat left for them and couldn't wait for their turn to go Booing. If you've never heard of getting Boo'd, it involves making a cute little Halloween treat bag/basket for two of your neighbors.  Then you put a note inside explaining the Boo tradition and a sign for them to put on their door saying "We've Been Boo'd" (that way no one gets boo'd twice).  After that you sneak up to their houses, quickly ring the doorbell and hide as fast as you can so they do not see you. Once you are Boo'd, you make two bags and boo more neighbors.  It is really cute and the kids look forward to it every year.

The kids enjoying some goodies they got in their Boo Baskets...

Well, after we got boo'd we made our baskets and went a Booing!  The kids had already decided the two houses they were going to go to and Josh was going to be the leader to help them sneak up to the houses.  Of course, nothing is simple he got both of the kids and himself dressed up in really dark clothes so they could not be seen.  Then off they went.

Our Boo baskets we made for our neighbors ( and Ethan's pumpkin he carved..)

Ethan and Rachel were super excited about going Booing...

All dressed up and ready to go...Josh told them to look

I was really anxious to hear about how things went.  After about 30 mins, the threesome arrived back home.  They were SO excited and couldn't wait to tell me all about it.  The first house that got boo'd was our new babysitter that lives across the street.  This was the one Ethan was going to do and it worked out perfectly.  He quickly ran up there, placed the basket down and hid.  The neighbors didn't know what was going on.....they turned on every outside light and never found him!  He was super excited.  The next house was one street over.  This was going to be the one that Rachel was to boo.  Well, things started off great until about halfway up to the house Josh looked over and there was another one of our neighbors getting ready to boo the same house they were doing!!  Josh tells  Rachel to "Retreat! Retreat!" and she runs back to  They ended up talking to the other kids and laughed about the fact they were booing the same house.  So they had to go to plan B and boo another house.  It went off without a hitch. Needless to say it was a fun and exciting night!!  Can't wait until Christmas so we can go Elfing!!!

Until Next Time,


  1. Those baskets are so cute! And the kids look adorable!

  2. Thank you :) I got them at Target and right now they have them on sale!!
